The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit providing free public access to digitized materials, including a substantial archive of web pages in the Wayback Machine announced they will start adding a fact check banner to some pages in the archive. Relying on third party checking organizations including, Check Your Fact, Lead Stories, Politifact, Washington Post Fact-Checker, APContinue Reading

This week Facebook announced it will allow politicians to violate the companies policies. Nick Clegg, Facebook’s VP of Global Affairs and Communications, confirms the company will not fact check politicians’ speech or block their content if it’s newsworthy; Even when that content violates the companies policies. This was confirmed asContinue Reading

Twitter says it suspended another batch of state-sponsored actors for disseminating misinformation on the platform. Today the company’s safety team announced the removal of 10,112 accounts across several countries; China / Hong Kong, Ecuador, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Spain, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. These accounts were actively encouraging unrest by spreadingContinue Reading

YouTube is overhauling its system for user verification. The company says these policy changes, set to start next month, will stop using subscription numbers to determine verification. YouTube will instead verify “prominent channels that have a clear need for proof of authenticity.” “Through our research, we found that viewers often associatedContinue Reading